Akashic Records

“until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

—Carl jung

An Akashic Records reading is a tool for self-empowerment, Clarity, and personal freedom.

An Akashic Records reading is like calling a spiritual hotline and talking to your highest life coaches who want nothing but the very best for you. I’m the operator connecting you to your Guides and communicating the messages that you most need to hear.

In the Records, the Divine meets the earthly. Here, you receive an elevated perspective on your life through the lens of your soul’s essence. There’s a deep understanding of who you are and your truest expression, free from limitations.

The Akashic Records is a dimension of consciousness. Akasha meaning ether—the essence of all things. The Records are often described as a vibrational library that contains information about past lives, this lifetime, and infinite future opportunities. Every person (and energetic being/place) has an Akashic Record. When you access it, you learn about your path in life, discover soul growth lessons, heal emotional wounds, and gain valuable insight about the root of the matter.

  • Are you in a period of transition and seeking nurturing support?

  • Do you feel stuck or can’t see around an issue or situation?

  • Are you ready for change and just feel like there’s more out there?

You’re always being guided by the eternal presence of the Divine. Being in the energy of the Records holds you in that ever-present loving light and connects you to your heart’s inherent wisdom.

what does a READING entail?

An Akashic Records reading simply requires a question and a willingness to receive. I access your Akashic Records through an invocation, using your name as a vibrational key. I then serve as a messenger, channeling guidance through images, sensations, and direct communication. The information that comes through is unique to you and serves as an energetic activation.

You can ask for guidance about basically anything—work, family, relationships/love, creativity, past events, past lives, ancestral connections, behavioral patterns, etc.

It’s important to note that the Akashic Records isn't an oracle for divining the future—as life is the result of constantly shifting possibilities and actions. You won’t be told what to do or what will happen. Rather, it’s a transformative, illuminating experience that will leave you feeling connected to your higher truth and rooted in your vision.

  • All readings are conducted over the phone and, afterwards, a recording is provided. Sessions are an hour in length and there is usually enough time to answer 3-4 main questions along with follow-up questions.

  • All readings are conducted over the phone and, afterwards, a recording is provided. Sessions are 45 minutes in length.

    PETS: A reading for a beloved pet offers greater understanding of your animal. A reading may bring insight into certain habits and behaviors. It can also shed light on your pet’s soul journey in this life and how you can connect with each other in deeper, meaningful ways.

    PROPERTIES: Every space holds a vibrational energy based on its history, former inhabitants, and the intention with which it was built. When looking to buy/rent a property or to connect with where you already live, a reading offers guidance on the energy of the place, anything that needs to be brought to your attention (from structural issues to energetics), and whether you’re in alignment with each other. We can focus on one property or up to three per reading (in varying degrees of detail).

    Please note that you need to either: a) own/rent the property, b) the property is for sale/rent on the open market, or c) you have the owner’s permission. The physical address(es) should provided at the time of our session not in advance.

  • An Alchemy Reading is a written channeled download from the Akashic Records with additional intuitive messages drawn from oracle cards and/or crystals.

    This offering is best for when you have one question or would like a general check-in around what you most need to hear at this time.

    I will open the Records on your behalf, connect to your Guides, and channel a message for you. This is followed by intuitive card pulls to add reflection points and further guidance.

    You do not need to be present for this reading. When you book your time slot, you will be prompted to submit your question or the topic you’d like to explore. Alchemy Readings are delivered in written format (as a 2-3 page PDF including card/crystal images) and emailed to you shortly after your appointment time.


When you’re working through a transition or committing to a goal, or when there’s a long-standing situation or deeply tangled beliefs, an extended period of time in the energy of the Akashic Records can be beneficial. There are often layers that need to be peeled back gradually so that the information is delivered & received as you are ready to hear it. In support of this, three-session packages are available at a discounted rate.